Gear at a Glance

It’s important to choose a bow that is not too heavy. When getting started, Big Jim recommends men start with a 40 lb bow, and women choose something in the 25-30 lb range.

Longbow: A straight bow with one curve from end to end, the longbow is D-shaped with bowstring loops that touch the limb nocks.

Recurve bow: Similar construction to a longbow, a recurve bow has more than one curve to add spring quality and power.

Arrows: Considered the most important piece of equipment, poor quality arrows are impossible to shoot accurately. Made with a straight shaft of wood with a nock that allows the arrow to rest on the string, feathers stabilize the flight giving the tip the best shot to hit the target. Check out the NEW Big Jim’s custom arrow – click here.

Quiver: Holds the extra arrows and protects the archer from injuring him/herself when arrows are not in use. Many styles are available, including a bow quiver, backpack-style quiver and side quiver. Check out this video featuring Big Jim’s Bow Quiver.

Arm Guard: Protects the forearm from string rebound.


I had the pleasure of making Big Jim’s and Debbie’s acquaintance yesterday after a long online search for the Bear Takedown Recurve Bow. No vendors in the world seemed to have it or even knew when it would be available. Then I was lucky enough to call Big Jim. Imagine my surprise when he not only had the riser I wanted, but the low poundage limbs as well. Big Jim and Debbie were great to talk with and he even helped me avoid a bad online arrow purchase that saved me major bucks. My hats off to both of them. ~ Tom

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Albany, Georgia 31705